Relationships – Memory makers

Building warm and positive relationships with tamariki by making memories together.

Learning goal

  • Build the confidence and ability to parent positively.

Discuss making memories with tamariki

The Children’s Issues Centre (2004) says:

‘If children have warm, trusting, responsive and reciprocal relationships with their caregivers, they’re likely to develop internal controls on their behaviour and learn what their caregivers want to teach them.’

‘If children experience criticism, lack of acceptance, and feel unloved they are likely to become defiant and aggressive.’

Ask your group about their thoughts on happy relationships.

  • What things do we do to create fun memories?
  • How can we prioritise spending time doing this?
  • How do children know that they’re cared about and loved?

If parents wore a nametag that described their job, it could say ‘Memory Maker’. If we aim to make as many good memories as we can for our children, one day when they’re tucking their own kids into bed they’ll want to share those good memories and tell them stories about, ‘When I was little…’

Ask the group what they would like their children to say about them in the future.