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Te mana o ngā tīpuna Tīpuna parenting

Tīpuna parenting

Tīpuna parenting is a journey to awaken the Māori DNA of whānau. It’s about reclaiming traditional Māori parenting styles that support the growth of pēpi, tamariki and whānau.

In pre-colonial times, our encouraged strong whānau connections, and nurturing and developing tamariki within te ao Māori, the Māori world.

Pēpi are born with mana

Pēpi are born with from , the spirit world. Tīpuna saw pēpi as tapu, sacred. When Europeans arrived to Aotearoa they saw how tīpuna Māori cared for our tamariki like .

Channel your tīpuna and keep your cool

Elizabeth Harte
Tūpuna Parenting: Mana and Tapu (transcript)

Connecting through pūrākau

and are stories that are passed down through generations.

These are simple ways to connect pēpi and whānau to whakapapa, by talking and listening. Reconnecting to whakapapa can be as a simple as looking into te taiao, the natural world, to start to share stories.

Oriori are traditional waiata

are often sung to children and hold significant stories about whakapapa. They may mark significant events including pregnancy, birth, retribution or reciprocity. Where they’re used to soothe a pēpi to sleep, oriori are sometimes called lullabies.

Whānau use a range of Māori practices during the birth of their pēpi. Oriori might be sung or chanted as a newborn emerges and is welcomed into the ‘world of light’.

Learn more about oriori during pregnancy and birth


Refreshed Whakatipu pukapuka available now

Tikanga-based parenting resource Whakatipu has been refreshed, shaped by the voices of whānau and community.

Full of humour and heart, Whakatipu reinforces how tamariki and whānau can learn together at every age and stage. The 8 booklets weave mātauranga Māori, child and brain development information with whakataukī, waiata and pakiwaitara for all whānau to enjoy.

Order the new resources