Looking at images and interpreting what pēpi might be wanting, needing or thinking.

Learning goals

  • Recognise what pēpi are trying to communicate to us.
  • Respond positively to their behaviour.

Create speech bubbles

In some of the pictures in the Tākai booklets, there are speech bubbles telling us what pēpi might be saying, thinking and feeling.

Read Te Pihinga 1, pages 6 and 13, and pay special attention to the images. Let’s try creating some speech bubbles for these images and work out what pēpi and their whānau might be saying, thinking and feeling.

Start with page 6:

  • What do you think pēpi is thinking?
  • What words might pēpi be saying?

Now look at page 13:

  • What do you think māmā might be thinking?
  • What would pēpi be saying if pēpi could talk?

Now, working in pairs, go through other pages where there are images without speech and make up some conversations to go with them. Talk together about what pēpi might be wanting, needing or thinking.

Have the whole range of Whakatipu booklets available, especially if there are participants with older children.

Stay positive

Being able to stay positive when a child’s behaviour is frustrating or irritating can be hard for whānau.

Look at Te Kōhuri 1 (pages 16–17, 20–21, and 23), where some of the images might provoke some less positive responses.

Challenge pairs to come up with only positive statements. Share back with each other and discuss.