Have some scrunchy crunchy fun

Throwing leaves into the air or walking over them lets tamariki have fun and trigger their curiosity. At the same time, it builds their physical fitness, skills, and confidence.

Why do it?

  • Have fun and enjoy exploring places and finding things.
  • Building language skills around how things feel and what we hear.
  • Participate safely in an activity that can be enjoyed in a variety of places by a range of whānau members of different ages.
  • Enjoy being outside with whānau at the beach, river or lake, which is sure to be a rich sensory experience that they will remember vividly.
  • Build their physical fitness and strength at the same time as their skills and confidence.
A tree in autumn.
A tree in autumn.

How to do it

You’ll need: Autumn leaves and your walking shoes or gummies.

  1. Head out for a walk, get outside, or visit one of your favourite parks.
  2. Scrunch and crunch your way through the autumn leaves.
  3. Throw the leaves into the air then watch them float to the ground.

Great idea: If you take a change of clothes getting wet won’t matter at all!

Using more te reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
Ngā rau Leaves
To throw