Understand what babies learn from playing Peekaboo and Kei hea koe?

Learning goal

  • Understand how Peekaboo and Kei hea koe? help babies to learn.

Talk about the value of Peekaboo

Peekaboo or Kei hea koe? is a game played all over the world. You know the one – you cover your eyes, then slowly reveal them, saying "Peekaboo!" This usually results in chuckles and laughter from baby.

What’s the joke? At first, babies don’t know that things will come back after they’ve been hidden – object permanence – so there’s an element of fun surprise.

The peekaboo game helps baby test and retest reality. You can play it with baby from when they’re about 4 months old.

In this game, babies are using their eyes and their ears.

  • They watch you cover your face and then uncover it.
  • They listen to the special tone in your voice when you say, "Kei hea koe?" or "Peekaboo!"

As you keep repeating the game, baby quickly shows that they understand it and know what will happen next.

  • It’s important to pay attention to the child. They’ll direct how much they want and when they’re ready for another game.
  • Be patient. Be prepared to repeat the game many times, and try not to get fed up with their desire to do things over and over again.
  • Remember that repetition is so important to learning.
  • Most important of all, make it fun.