Moving and learning with Tākai resources

Tākai resources you can use with whānau to explore moving and learning with their child.

Toddlers are able to move around much more than they did just a few months ago. They’re curious, and love to explore and learn about their environment and things in it.

Tākai resources

In the booklet Te Pihinga 3 on page 23, ‘Love and warmth’ reminds us of the value in ‘sharing lots of love and time with our tamaiti, playing, talking, reading, singing and having fun together’.

‘A structured and secure world’ tells us the benefits of ‘balancing daily activities so there’s a mixture of quiet and active times’.

Some other helpful places in Te Pihinga 3 to explore with whānau are:

  • Page 6 — ‘Pēpi say’:I like to get in and around things. Crawling under tables
    and chairs, getting into boxes or anywhere I see an opening.’
  • Page 7 — ‘Pēpi says: When I want something, I let my whānau know by
    pointing to it. They watch me and work out what I want.’
  • Page 8 — ‘Whānau say: Pēpi likes to practise new motor skills over and over again. ’
  • Page 22 — ‘Pēpi says: I have my favourite pukapuka and recognise the pictures.’
  • Page 16 — ‘We know that playing and lots of love are exactly what baby’s brain and need.’

The World of Under-fives booklet on page 8 reminds parents to include their children in everyday activities: ‘Involve them in what you’re doing. Ask them to hand you the pegs, or get the mail.’

Similar messages are found in the Thinking about Parenting booklet, encouraging parents to let children explore:

  • ‘When a child touches, shakes, bangs or puts things in their mouth they aren’t being naughty. This is how they learn about stuff.'
  • ‘They need to repeat things over and over again so their brain makes all the necessary connections it needs for life-long learning.’

Conversation starters

Ask whānau:

  • How do these ideas match your child’s behaviour at the moment?
  • What have you noticed as they’ve become more mobile?
  • Why do you think that’s happening?
  • How has this affected you and your whānau?
  • Who are they copying and learning from?
  • What times with your child have been exciting, fun or made you celebrate?
  • Have you had challenges with your child?
  • How else might we encourage their curiosity?
  • What would you like to talk about?
  • What more would you like to find out about?

How does this relate to Tākai resources?

Baby wall frieze – Homai ngā mea hei tākaro māku – Give me things to play with

Six things children need – Te mahi pono — ngā hua me ngā hapa – Consistency and consequences

Helpful resources for whānau