Getting out and about with baby

Pēpi learns about their world by experiencing it. Take pēpi on an adventure as you move around the house or garden, or in your community, whether in a sling, backpack or a pram. Take a break from routine and explore the world together.

Why do it?

  • Parents can introduce baby to the outdoors from the warmth and security of a sling, front pack or waha.
  • This can be settling for baby and allows parents to get out into the world too.
  • Baby gets to experience fresh air and the sounds of the outdoors from a safe, warm place
  • Getting out and about helps baby to get to know about the world beyond home.

How to do it

  • When wearing a sling, front pack or waha, it can be helpful to have someone to help get baby safely ‘loaded’.
  • Talk to baby about what you’re doing, where you’re going, and what you see and hear. Baby will be soothed by being warm and close, by the familiar sound of your voice and interested in looking at new things.

There are many places to visit:

  • somewhere on a bus
  • somewhere on a train
  • the park
  • the library
  • a pond with ducks
  • buildings with escalators
  • a friend with pet animals
  • the beach.

Using more reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
Kei te aha te huarere i tēnei rā? What's the weather like today?
Kei te wera tēnei rā Today is hot
Me haere tāua Let’s (us two) go
Me haere hikoi tāua Let’s (us two) go for a walk
Titiro ki te manu Look at the bird
Titiro ki ērā manu Look at those birds over there
He aha tērā? What's that? (over there)
He hoiho tērā It’s a horse, over there
He aha ērā? What are those, over there?
He kuri ērā Those are dogs, over there
Nā wai tēnei whare? Whose is this house?
Ko te whare ō Bill tēnei This is Bill’s house
Kimihia te motukā whero Look for the red car
Me whakawhiti te huarahi Let’s cross the road
E tū Stand up
He rama whero A red light
He aha tērā kakara pai? What’s that nice smell?
He putiputi pea? Maybe it’s a flower?