Webinar: Te hinengaro mīharo – the amazing brain 101

This Tākai Kōrero webinar from 1 March 2023 features André Ngāpō, Hana Tuwhare and Deb Rewiri. They introduce the fundamentals of early brain development, share what's going on in baby's brain and discuss language learning in the first 1,000 days.

Watch the webinar recording

Tākai Kōrero webinar: Te hinengaro mīharo - The amazing brain 101 (transcript)


André Ngāpō, Brainwave Trust Aotearoa

André is Learning Designer and National Coach for Brainwave Trust. A registered teacher with over 20 year’s experience in primary, high school and adult education, he is currently studying neuroscience through Harvard’s online edX programme. Alongside his Graduate Diploma in Teaching, he holds a Bachelor of Social Science, a Diploma in Te Aupikitanga-ki-te-Reo-Kairangi, and a Diploma in Media Arts.

Hana Tuwhare, Talking Matters

Hana is a Talking Matters Community Activator. She trained as a speech and language therapist and explored the role of in her honours research at Massey University. She is passionate about combining her skills to support the revitalisation of te reo from the beginning of life by creating rich language environments.

Deb Rewiri, Brainwave Trust Aotearoa

Deb is passionate about connecting neuroscience and parenting, as science is just catching up to indigenous practices pre-colonisation. As a Brainwave Trust she travels across the motu working with whānau and whānau supporters. Deb has two adult children, four and four mokopuna.

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