Make smoothie pops

Making smoothie pops give tamariki opportunities to learn about cooperation and self-discipline. Whānau can introduce new words to expand vocabulary and language skills. Enjoy this healthy treat together.

Why do it?

  • There are lots of fine motor skills involved in this activity, which might include filling, pouring and using utensils.
  • It is a shared experience and can strengthen language learning. It’s a chance to introduce and use some new words too. Rōpere (strawberry), panana (banana), reka (delicious).
  • Tamariki to take turns, strengthening the idea that they can give something away and still get it back again.
  • Tamariki to practise skills of co-operation and self-discipline.
  • Whānau to practise the skills of the ‘rākau’ or ‘tree’ style of parenting(external link).
a smoothie pop
a smoothie pop

How to do it

You’ll need: 2 cups frozen berries, 1 medium banana, 1 cup low-fat strawberry or vanilla yoghurt, 1/2 cup fruit juice, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup.

  1. Place berries, banana, yoghurt, juice and maple syrup in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Divide the smoothie among ice-block molds or small cups.

Using more te reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
Kai reka Treat