There are great opportunities for learning when tamariki play outside. Whānau can add a great deal to the learning when they’re nearby and able to ask and answer questions, make encouraging comments and guide behaviour.

Playing outside – rich learning experiences!

In Te Māhuri, look at pages 26 to 29, where you’ll see tamariki enjoying a variety of different outdoor activities.

Ask whānau:

  • What have you been doing together outside?
  • What did you notice your tamaiti enjoying?
  • What do you think they were learning?

There are many rich learning opportunities for young children when they play outside. They will be developing knowledge and skills in:

  • problem solving
  • co-operating
  • resourcefulness
  • safety
  • creativity
  • fine muscle development
  • big muscle development.

Look at the pictures of tamariki focusing on their activities and help whānau to identify how these activities might encourage the development of these skills.

Low-cost or no-cost fun and learning

Look at the pictures again. The tamariki are using things that can be found around the house and garden:

  • cardboard boxes
  • paper
  • string
  • tyres
  • bits of wood
  • hose
  • baby bath
  • buckets
  • blankets.

Tamariki will always find things to play with outdoors. Sometimes these things are not appropriate or safe.

If whānau show tamariki which resources are available, there’s more chance of them being safely occupied. For example, check that there are no nails sticking out, there’s no glass that could break and no toxic materials anywhere.

Ask whānau:

  • What can your tamaiti play with outside?
  • Are there any things that you’re worried about them getting hold of?
  • How have you managed that so far?

Playing independently or with other tamariki is great at this age. However, whānau can add a great deal to the learning when they’re nearby and able to ask and answer questions, make encouraging comments and guide behaviour if this is needed.

Try an activity

Bug hunt

Explore the outdoors with your tamariki, they love to be outside.

Helpful resources for whānau