Supporting whānau Māori to identify as tangata whenua and to promote tikanga and te reo Māori.

The purpose of the 8 Hikitia workshop modules is to support whānau Māori to identify as and to promote and te reo Māori. The framework used to develop Hikitia is from the philosophy.

A holistic approach to learning and teaching is incorporated throughout ngā kaupapa whakahirahira.

All Āhuru Mōwai Hikitia workshops are designed to be 1.5 to 2 hours long. They can be delivered in two ways:

  1. As a whole programme, where each workshop builds on the previous one.
  2. As optional workshops, alongside other workshops in each particular module.


Each kaupapa (workshop topic) heading is from the child’s perspective. This is so the child is acknowledged as the reason for whānau being supported through the programme and workshops.


The taumauri links to the Āhuru Mōwai philosophy, which is a foundation for the kaupapa. In a holistic sense, the taumauri gives the workshop a life essence and supports the facilitator to set the scene with a focus.

Importance of te reo Māori

Te reo Māori, and specifically kupu Māori, have meanings that are much broader than their literal translation. They present another learning opportunity. The kupu hou (new words) are words that embrace the kaupapa of the workshops. They also promote te reo Māori and encourage further learning and understanding of Māori culture.


is a process of building relationships. It aims to strengthen the networks of all whānau who will be working together through the 8 modules. The workshops and activities are designed to encourage conversations with peers, small group and large group interaction, and sharing.

Karakia and waiata

The tikanga of karakia and waiata is encouraged, not just as openings and closings for the workshop. They also allow some people to connect with their wairua and emotions, and acknowledge the thoughts they are experiencing. For others, they acknowledge the importance of , , special people, and the universe.

Research information

Research-based information is shared in all workshops. You can easily access it through the resources listed — in the Āhuru Mōwai booklet, the booklets or other Tākai resources.


are included to encourage whānau to explore the meanings and talk about what they mean for them and their child. This promotes te reo Māori and considering legacies.


All workshops have a hands-on, practical activity. These are designed to help whānau process the information, discussions, what they’ve heard, and their feelings and emotions. The activities allow whānau to produce something tangible to take away from the workshop, which may help them to remember something they learnt, and apply it at home or in their lives.