Your turn, my turn – Nōu te wā, nōku te wā

This interactive turn-taking activity promotes sharing and cooperation. Enhance social skills as tamariki take turns and practise skills of cooperation and self-discipline. Whānau can reinforce that ‘sharing is fun’ through picture books.

Why do it?

Why do this — He aha e mahi ai?

Many tamariki find it hard to share, especially their own toys and other items, and may think that once someone else has something it’s gone forever. Giving them opportunities to practise sharing and waiting for a turn helps:

How to do it

How to do it — Te tikanga mō tēnei mahi

  • Turn-taking can be part of everyday things that whānau do — for example, choosing what to do or play with, or who will be first to do something.
  • Ball play is ideal for practising sharing — for example, throwing and catching, kicking or rolling a ball back and forth. Ball play is much more fun when playing together with someone else.
  • Use an oven timer when tamariki are finding it hard to share, like Hera and Maka do in Te Māhuri 1, pages 20 and 21.
  • Afterwards, ask them if the oven timer idea worked, or if they have some other ideas for helping them to play and share with each other.

Other ideas — Ētahi atu whakaaro

Whānau can reinforce the ‘sharing is fun’ message through picture books. Here are some suggestions to look for at your local library:

  • Mine!, by Rachel Bright
  • This is Our House, by Michael Rosen
  • Four Feet, Two Sandals, by Karen Lynn Williamson and Khadra Mohammed

Using more reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
Ko koe te tuatahi You go first
Ko au te tuarua I'll go second
Nōu te wā Your turn
Nōku te wā My turn