Parents can have many questions, whether this is their first baby or another addition to the whānau. Choosing someone trusted to support and guide whānau, from anxiety to excitement, can support with feeling confident and prepared.

Why do it?

  • Talking to friends or whānau members about how you’re feeling when you’re expecting a baby can help relieve some worries.
  • This helps parents, and it helps baby too who ‘feels’ mum’s anxiety via the stress hormones circulating through her bloodstream — and theirs — when mum is stressed.
  • When you share your feelings with others and ask how they felt and what worried them, you may find they experienced similar feelings.

How to do it

  • Choose someone to talk with that you trust.
  • Ask open-ended questions such as:
    • What do you remember about being pregnant?
    • What did you worry about?
    • How did you tell your parents?
    • Why did you decide to…?
  • Share what you’ve been noticing in yourself and ask if they experienced something
  • Ask about their parenting struggles and how they overcame them, or what helped them.
  • Would their strategy work for you?

Using more reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
Concern, anxiety
To soothe
To be pregnant
Unborn child
Love, affection, compassion, empathy
Talk, communicate
Assist, help, support
Pou whakawhirinaki Pillar of support
Leader, mentor, counsellor