Make some tasty tiny toasties

Home is the first learning place and making kai together can be fun and educational. That's especially true when baking, as it involves maths and science. Making these tiny toasties with tamariki is a great activity.

Why do it?

  • Home is the first learning place and the whānau are the first teachers a child has.
  • A young child doesn’t always need special learning activities. Simple everyday household activities and routines can provide learning experiences in a familiar environment.
  • Having someone who loves them caring and nurturing them is exactly what they need, as it gives them a sense of belonging.
  • By learning what adults do, children learn these skills too.

How to do it

You’ll need: A muffin tin, 12 slices of wholemeal bread (crusts removed), your favourite fillings (see below) and some grated cheese.

  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C, grease your tin and press in your bread slices.
  2. Evenly spoon in your favourite fillings:
    • Spag-tom nom nom: Mix a chopped tomato and a can of spaghetti.
    • Eggy-licious: Beat 2 eggs with 1/2 a cup of milk, then add cooked veggies and maybe some ham.
    • Mince or beans: What a yummy way to use your leftovers!
  3. Top with grated cheese then bake for 15 minutes.

Tip: Cool for a few minutes before serving.

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