‘I can’ book – He pukapuka ‘Ka taea e au’

A scrapbook about tamariki using photos, drawings or pictures they have chosen reinforces self-worth and achievement connects them with their whānau. Encourage autonomy, decision making and problem-solving as you make the book together.

Why do it?

Why do it? — He aha e mahi ai?

Making a scrapbook about things they’ve achieved helps tamariki to:

  • celebrate the things they’ve learned to do
  • feel special by having a personalised book just for them
  • practise using some ‘book behaviours’ in an enjoyable way:
    • finding the front of a book
    • starting on the left and reading to the right
    • going down to the next line.

How to do it

How to do it — Te tikanga mō tēnei mahi

  • You’ll need paper, a stapler, a glue stick and some pictures of things your tamaiti can do. They could include pictures from magazines, photographs and drawings by you or them.
  • Decide on the number of pages the book will have, divide the number by 2, fold the paper in half and staple the pages together. Eight to ten pages is plenty.
  • Talk about things your tamaiti can do and decide together what the pages will ‘say’ — for instance: I can ride my bike, I can climb at the playground, I can dress myself, I can draw with chalk, I can wash the car.
  • Draw or cut out and stick the images in the book, one per page.
  • Write the captions in the language your family speaks. Keep the format the same on each page.
  • Share the book together and with other whānau members.

Other ideas — Ētahi atu whakaaro

  • Make other books with your tamaiti using a similar repeating format — for example, ‘At the I saw...’, ‘At the supermarket I saw...’ , ‘At the marae I saw...’

Using more reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
Ka taea e au ki te... I can...
Eke oaihikara Ride a bike
Ride a horse
Piki rākau Climb a tree
Whakamaua āku kākahu Put my clothes on
Tāia me te tioka Draw with chalk
Horoia te motukā Wash the car
Āwhina i te kākahu horoi Help with the washing
Hangaia he pukapuka Make a book