Wī, a Māori game similar to tag, is a fun way to help tamariki move their bodies. It helps develop motor skills and creates opportunities for bonding with whānau and friends.

Why do it?

  • helps tamariki burn off energy.
  • It provides an opportunity to exercise and develop motor skills.
  • It's a great way to spend fun, quality time with friends and whānau.

How to do it

  • One person plays as the .
  • Another person plays as the .
  • The kaiaru chases the kiore and attempts to (tag) them.
  • The other players stand in circles or lines, creating obstacles for the kiore.
  • The kaiaru weaves through the other players and must follow the same path as the kiore.

Using more te reo Māori

Māori English
a game of tag
Ko au te kaiaru! I'm the chaser!
Ko koe te kiore! You're the runner!
Kua pākia koe! You've been tagged.
Tō tere hoki! You're so fast.