Pēpi says - Look at what I can do

Inviting whānau to share stories to gain an understanding of the stage of development their tamariki are at now.

Learning goals

  • Understand how children grow and develop.
  • Reflect and learn from observing pēpi.
  • Think from a baby's perspective.

Share stories about tamariki

Invite participants to talk about what their pēpi are doing these days.

  • What are the latest things they’ve noticed about their development?
  • What are the funniest, the cleverest or the most surprising things?

Help build a developmental ‘picture’ of all pēpi for the group. Invite participants to ask questions about their baby’s development.

Ask participants to look at the Tākai booklet that best suits their child’s age and stage of development.

  • Invite them to read the ‘Pēpi says’ sections.
  • Ask them, ‘Does this sound like your pēpi?’ If not, invite them to read the chapters on either side, and find one that fits better.
  • Ask them to write down things that their pēpi might be saying and share them with someone else in the group.

Suggested questions:

  • What is your pēpi doing that’s part of learning to talk?
  • What is pēpi learning about people?
  • How are they showing their feelings these days?
  • What about motor skills – what ways are they learning to use their body?

Now read the ‘Whānau say’ section in the same booklet. Talk in pairs about how the two sections ‘Pēpi says’ and ‘Whānau say’ are connected.

Next, look at ‘Ngā taonga tākaro’. Ask whānau what thoughts they have about the ideas here.