Teatea Is White (Cook Islands Māori)

A E I O (A E I O) A E I O U

Teatea is white, muramura is red, matie is green
Kerekere is black, re’ure’u is grey… A E I O U

Rengarenga is yellow, kura is brown, auīka is blue
Vareau is purple, mākara is orange… A E I O U

Vera is hot, ānu is cold, maana is warm
Ua is Rain, māū is wet… A E I O U

Ta’i is one, rua is two, toru is number three
‘Ā is four, rima is five… ta’i, rua, toru, ‘ā, rima

Ono is six, ‘itu is seven, varu is number eight
Iva is nine, ta’i ngā’uru is ten… ono, ‘itu, varu, iva, ta’i ngā’uru

A E I O (A E I O) A E I O U

Teatea Is White (Cook Islands Māori) (transcript)

Song courtesy of Loopy Tunes Preschool Music Pasifika Beatz(external link), created in collaboration with Whānau Āwhina Plunket and the Ministry for Pacific Peoples.