Whakanuia reminds us to look back and celebrate the growth and development of mokopuna, parents and whānau. Many whānau enjoy celebrating the amazing changes that happen in the first years of their baby’s life.

Make celebrations about more than pēpi. Celebrate the parents and their experience of parenting pēpi too, and the people who have supported them in that role.

Mana tangata

The concept of refers to the power a person gains through their abilities, efforts and accomplishments.

When parenting:

  • parents learn and grow their parenting skills and abilities
  • whānau provide valuable support to help new parents adjust and enjoy their role
  • together they combine their individual skills and knowledge for the collective benefit.

Some new parents say they gained a new appreciation of their own parents and grandparents after becoming parents themselves and experiencing firsthand the commitment that being a parent requires.

Developmental milestones

He iti tangata, e tipu. He iti toki, he iti tonu iho.

A little child will grow. A little adze will always remain small.

This reminds us that children are continually changing and growing.

Many parents enjoy making a record of milestones their pēpi has reached. They might collect photos, write little stories or create a treasure book or waka huia (treasure container) about their pēpi.

Helping parents to see the value they bring to their baby's development can be uplifting for many. It can help those who may feel about acknowledging their role.

Pēpi is 1

Many whānau enjoy celebrating their child’s first birthday. It’s a milestone that recognises the amazing changes that have happened in just 12 months. This is a time to look back at the past year and the wonderful learning, growth and development everyone has achieved together. Tūmeke whānau!

Conversation ideas

Let's remember some of the ways you've helped pēpi through their first year.

What changes have you seen in pēpi lately?
How have you felt about those changes?
What have you had to do to respond to them?
Have you kept any records that show how pēpi has progressed during this first year?
Do you write in their Tamariki Ora Well Child book?
Would you like to create something to celebrate all the things that have happened for your pēpi and their whānau?

Helpful resources for whānau