The Whakatipu series of 8 booklets covers the stages of children’s development through pregnancy to 5 years old. It weaves together mātauranga Māori, child development information, ideas for activities, waiata and pakiwaitara.

is a kaupapa that encourages strong whānau connections which nurture and develop tamariki. Full of humour and heart, it reinforces how tamariki and whānau can learn together through play at every age and stage.

Watch this video to hear how Raewyn from Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust uses the Whakatipu booklets with the whānau she supports, as well as with her own mokopuna.

How Raewyn uses Whakatipu with whānau and mokopuna (transcript)

Booklets in the series

There are 4 stages and 8 booklets in the series. The stages use the model of growing plants – going from a seed, to a seedling, to a sapling and then a young tree.

  • kakano icon 800x800

    Te Kākano – Conception to birth

  • pihinga icon 800x800

    Te Pihinga 1 – Birth to 6 months

  • pihinga icon 800x800

    Te Pihinga 2 – 7 to 12 months

  • pihinga icon 800x800

    Te Pihinga 3 – 13 to 18 months

  • kohuri icon 800x800

    Te Kōhuri 1 – 19 months to 2 years

  • kohuri icon 800x800

    Te Kōhuri 2 – 2 years to 2 and a half

  • kohuri icon 800x800

    Te Kōhuri 3 – 2 and a half to 3 years

  • mahuri icon 800x800

    Te Māhuri – 3 to 5 years

You can place an order for some or all of the Whakatipu booklets any time.

Download or order Whakatipu booklets

What’s in the booklets

What’s happening

‘What’s happening’ sections describe a period of time in the development of pēpi and tamaiti. Each section starts with a , followed by ‘Pēpi says’ or ‘Tamaiti says’, and ‘Whānau say’ pages.

These pages tell us the main things that might be happening for pēpi, tamaiti and whānau during this time. They often highlight all the wonderful things going on inside the brain as pēpi grows.

Kaitiaki pēpi

The ‘Kaitiaki pēpi’ sections introduce simple Māori ideas and practices that whānau might like to know more about or think about for themselves.

Whānau do not need to take up the ideas and practices at the age and stage they are introduced. They can do that at any time that suits them and their pēpi.

Ngā tohu whānau

‘Ngā tohu whānau’ are also known as the 6 principles. Each booklet has age appropriate ideas for how whānau can encourage the health and wellbeing of their pēpi, tamaiti and whānau. You could also use these sections as a way of summarising what the booklet describes in other ways.

Other pages

The booklets also have lots of other information and interesting activities.

  • ‘Ngā taonga tākaro’ – simple play ideas for pēpi and whānau to enjoy, learn and strengthen their relationship with each other.
  • ‘Waiata kohungahunga’ and .
  • Useful tips and reminders for whānau relevant to the age and stage.
  • ‘Tōku reo, tōku ohooho’ – a page to record special things about pēpi that you’d like to remember and share with them when they’re older.

Using the booklets

Whakatipu booklets provide a whānau-friendly resource for whānau supporters to have conversations about almost every parenting and child development topic in the early years.

Suggest to whānau that you look at a booklet together. Start with the ‘What’s happening’ section that matches the age their pēpi is now. Here are some example questions you might use when exploring the booklets and talking with whānau.

Conversation ideas

What do you think the message of this whakataukī is?
What is interesting for you in this ‘Pēpi says’? What did you know already?
Do you want to go back to the previous ‘What’s happening’ section to reflect on how your pēpi or tamaiti has grown? Or the next one to see what might be coming?
What have you been thinking about recently? Have you been thinking any of the same things listed in ‘Whānau say’?
What do you know about your whānau tikanga? Are you interested in what it says in this ‘Kaitiaki pēpi’ section?
What are some of the fun things you and pēpi do together?
What is pēpi interested in playing with or exploring now?
Would you like to try one of the play ideas in this booklet?

Helpful resources for whānau