Webinar: Using Whakatipu when supporting whānau

This Tākai Kōrero webinar from 30 October 2023 features Maraea Teepa and Deb Rewiri. They ruku into the new Whakatipu pukapuka, explore some of the key concepts and how whānau supporters can use this rauemi when working with whānau.

Watch the webinar recording

Tākai Kōrero: Using Whakatipu when supporting whānau (transcript)


Maraea Teepa, Tākai

Raised in the beautiful valley of Ruatoki in the heart of Te Urewera, Maraea loves to push boundaries to create better outcomes for whānau and communities in their own styles. Rooted in and , Maraea uses design tools to activate spaces and create sustainable change. For more than 10 years Maraea has been part of SKIP and now Tākai.

Deb Rewiri, Brainwave Trust Aotearoa

Deb is passionate about connecting neuroscience and tūpuna parenting, as science is just catching up to indigenous practices pre-colonisation. As a Brainwave Trust kaiako she travels across the motu working with whānau and whānau supporters. Deb has two adult children, four whāngai and four mokopuna.

Questions and answers

How might we introduce the Whakatipu booklets to whānau who have been disconnected from being Māori? Some of our whānau don't feel Māori enough due to trauma.

Being responsive is always important to where whānau are at. I would ask permission first – for example, “I have a waiata to share with you – is that ok?” Or “I have a to share and then let’s talk about the benefits of storytelling for pēpi – is that ok?” Generally most people will say yes and allow it but the has to ensure they have already built a relationship of respectful and responsive engagement as whānau can pick up the authenticity and will respond to that.

They can take in and ask if whānau want to keep it as part of their record to reflect and write or draw their own notes. If whānau say no then kaimahi could say, “I'll bring it back for our next visit/session.” A little bit of gentle introduction into the delivery every time will help with their tolerance to the new topic. Trauma is such a varied process and challenges us as kaimahi to work more respectfully with whānau.

— Deb Rewiri

Helpful resources for whānau