While whānau wait to meet pēpi, they will have hopes, dreams and aspirations for them. Writing a letter to them can support the development of a strong relationship.

Why do it?

  • Thinking about your baby as a person helps you start building a positive relationship with them even before they’re born.
  • The quality of the relationship between baby and their parents/whānau is the most important factor in baby’s future happiness and wellbeing.

How to do it

  • Write about your feelings while you’re pregnant.
  • Write to baby about what hopes and dreams you have for them.
  • If you were given three wishes to make for your baby, what would they be?
  • You could decorate your letter and frame it for baby’s wall.
  • You could keep your letter in the treasure box from the treasure box activity.

Using more reo Māori

Te reo Māori English
To write
Tuhituhi a ringa Write by hand
Love, affection, compassion, empathy
Hear, smell, feel
to desire, wish for
To show affection for
Support, take care of, protect
To show kindness to
Treasure box
Decoration, embellishment
Exhibit, display for viewing
Wāhi haumaru Safe place
Ngā moemoeā Dreams
Ngā wawata Dreams, wishes
Ā tōna wā A time in the future
Ngā whakaaro Thoughts