Babies can get overstimulated and stressed. Whānau need to identify when baby has too many things going on in their environment and make changes to avoid overstimulation.

Look at the ‘Pēpi says’ section on page 6 of Te Pihinga 1. This contains important information about a baby’s needs at this very young age. Pēpi talks about the importance of being responded to also.


Babies learn through their senses – but there’s also such a thing as sensory overload, when there’s too much stimulation for baby to cope with.

Parents play an important role in monitoring what’s going on in the environment around their young baby. To avoid baby becoming overstimulated, stressed or anxious, it’s helpful for parents to identify signs of sensory overload.

Conversation ideas

What have you noticed that your baby needs?
How does baby let you know when things are going OK?
What about when baby’s had enough and wants a break – can you work out what’s going on?
What have you noticed that relaxes them?
What upsets them?
How do they like to be held or fed?

Page 8 says, ‘We try little routines …’

  • What ‘little routines’ have you been doing?
  • How have they been working out for you?
  • How does baby go to sleep?
  • How might baby know how mum or dad are feeling?

Read the other ‘Whānau say’ sections in the booklet together.

  • What are the messages in these sections?

Helpful resources for whānau