Information and advice from Te Whatu Ora to support you during baby's first year.

Te Whatu Ora have a website full of helpful health related information for new parents. Taking time to get familiar with the Health Information and Services website will allow you to guide whānau to relevant information, which will also align with what their Well Child Tamariki Ora nurse is sharing with them.

The first year with your pēpi | Te Whatu Ora(external link)

Information on this page covers topics such as:

  • Postnatal depression
  • Sex after having a baby
  • Sickness — danger signs in children
  • Infant formula feeding
  • Teething
  • Your baby's poos
  • Vitamin D and your baby
  • Immunisation for babies and toddlers
    • Free ummunisation
    • What ages immunisations are due
    • If an immunisation has been missed
    • Premature babies
  • Coping with a crying baby
    • How to help a crying baby
    • Crying can mean your baby is unwell
    • Colic
    • When your baby keeps on crying
    • Never shake a baby
  • Looking after yourself
    • How you may feel after birth
    • Being active
    • Eating well
    • Health care and checks
    • Getting help