Children’s voices – managing behaviour

Thinking about and discussing messages from children about how they want to be treated.

Watch this video together with whānau. Although the children are older than 24 months, the messages are very clear.


Children's voices - what matters to kids? (transcript)

Ask the whānau:

  • What did you like about the clip?
  • What are the main messages the children tell us?

Then ask, what do you think your child would say in response to the following questions? (Imagine what they would say.)

  • How should your whānau talk to you?
  • How can they help you behave well?
  • How can they reward you?
  • How can they help you when you’re upset?
  • How do you know your whānau love you?

Then ask them to reflect:

  • What have you learned from this exercise?
  • Can you think of things you can do to help your child?
  • Are there other things you would like to know about?


Helpful resources for whānau